Myanmar Website Creator BBS (MWC 掲示板)

Can we have the BBS function for our school? No.T000008   2011-04-08 13:41:16 
Name: u aung ton    Email: ***************

Hello, we want to create a website for our school, and we need the BBS function.

I have contacted other web design companies, all of them said "BBS is a web system, it's difficult and expensive".

A&F No.R000011   2012-10-25 13:08:39 
Name: A&F    Email:

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abercrombie 激安
アバクロ 半袖シャツ

abercrombie tシャツ,A&F,abercrombie 激安,アバクロ 半袖シャツ,【在庫あり!週末特価!】
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abercrombie tシャツ,A&F,abercrombie 激安,アバクロ 半袖シャツ,【在庫あり!週末特価!】

Re: Can we have the BBS function for our school? No.R000004   2011-04-15 12:38:32 
Name: web master    Email:

Thanks for your question.

Yes, we can provide the BBS function to you.
It's not so difficult as other companies said.

For detail, let's have a meeting.

Web master

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